What the EWG won’t tell you about washing pesticides away

Every year, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) releases its list of the most pesticide-laden produce items calls the Dirty Dozen.

And every year, it creates a media tidal wave of coverage. It shows up everywhere, and seemingly sets off a storm of fear in the hearts of every fruit and veggie lover, banishing the thought of ever eating a non-organic plant.

They even suggest washing with just water.  The question begs, is there really nothing we can do about these harmful pesticides more effective than just rinsing with water – which is highly ineffective with hydrophobic fruits and veggies? Thankfully, yes.

These third-party lab studies proved that if you wash your produce properly with Eat Cleaner Triple Action Fruit & Vegetable Wash, you can get rid of over 99% of the “toxic” and “cancer-causing” agents. The truth is, water alone cannot effectively remove oil-based pesticides. You need something that can chelate non-water soluble...

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How to get your kids to love veggies

Ask most kids what their favorite food is and 10 times out of 10, it’s not going to be a vegetable. Somewhere between baby food and most children’s menus, when our little ones start making the transition to solid food, things go sideways.
They begin with fruit and veggies – peas, carrots, spinach, green beans and veggie blends yet, somehow, from that point until they reach children’s menu age, the color fades from the plate like a person about to faint.  From a palette of red, orange, green, purple and blue, we introduce white to brown food and somehow forgot all the gorgeous colors we once had. Hot dogs, pizza, hamburgers, chicken nuggets, fried this or that begin to take over because they begin to exercise their will. Ever see a child have a meltdown over having to eat broccoli?  I’ve been there and I can tell you, it’s not pretty.  Many parents give up because it’s just too much work to try and encourage the healthier...
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After noticing a spark of interest through market research we can officially and proudly announce that our fruit and vegetable wash is now available o purchase through Amazon.com In Japan!

We know, it took us a while to get used to envisioning our product under a completely different design. The bottle looks completely different from what we all are used to seeing but it is still the same great product. The bottle is redesigned to fit the market in Japan. The reason why It Is launched under eat clean Is that the letter R is not needed since it is not pronounced and spelled out.

For now, the picture on the right Is the only product available for purchase on Amazon In Japan, as we keep growing sales and generate more Intrest down the road, our goal Is to Introduce more of our products In addition to the spray wash.

Here in the US we are still known as eatCleaner®. And we are offering our full...

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