What the EWG won’t tell you about washing pesticides away

Every year, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) releases its list of the most pesticide-laden produce items calls the Dirty Dozen.

And every year, it creates a media tidal wave of coverage. It shows up everywhere, and seemingly sets off a storm of fear in the hearts of every fruit and veggie lover, banishing the thought of ever eating a non-organic plant.

They even suggest washing with just water.  The question begs, is there really nothing we can do about these harmful pesticides more effective than just rinsing with water – which is highly ineffective with hydrophobic fruits and veggies? Thankfully, yes.

These third-party lab studies proved that if you wash your produce properly with Eat Cleaner Triple Action Fruit & Vegetable Wash, you can get rid of over 99% of the “toxic” and “cancer-causing” agents. The truth is, water alone cannot effectively remove oil-based pesticides. You need something that can chelate non-water soluble...

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