How to Retrain Your Taste Buds and take a Spring Break

How to Retrain Your Taste Buds and take a Spring Break

My son was a phenomenal eater as a baby. He’d slurp up his sweet potatoes and pound his peas. Apples were his favorite, and he’d down the pureed pears and plums like a champ. I’d mix veggies with bananas, wheat cereal and even a little in his milk. But when he turned two, the little tyrant started throwing it down every meal. It was gruesome, and many peas paid the price.

At two years old, Neophobia or a fear of trying new foods sets in. Children have the ability to express their displeasure for foods at a very early age, and they show it by spitting it out, throwing it onto the floor, across the room or painting the walls and the ceiling with it. That was my son. Anything green flew from his mouth in a projectile explosion that left us both ugly-sobbing. When our little ones start making the transition from the wondrous, complete nutrition that is breast milk to solid food, they soon shifted to fruit and...

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As Seen In How To Eat Less Sugar Without Missing It

As Seen in How To Eat Less Sugar Without Missing It on the Family Focus Blog- 

"Mareya Ibrahim, Author of Eat Like You Give a Fork: The Real Dish on Eating to Thrive, shares the following advice, “Taste buds, being one of the strongest groups of muscles in your body, need to be conditioned, tested and strengthened so that they can take on a broad spectrum of flavors.”

She suggests drinking her Real Vitality Tonic once a day for eight days.

INGREDIENTS: 1 cup hot water, 1 tablespoon raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice, 1⁄4 teaspoon ground ginger, and 1 cinnamon stick 

DIRECTIONS: Combine all the ingredients in a mug with 1 cup hot water and let steep for a few minutes. Sip after your first meal each day. Feel free to have a second cup later in the day, if you like, and save that cinnamon stick!"
Check out the rest of the article here!
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