Lettuce Be Happy. Your Guide to Lettuce & Why You Should Eat It & Clean It.

lettuce be happy

Your all-access guide to lettuce and why you should eat it and clean it!

Here are my top 10 Fit Foodie Facts about why you should eat lettuce:
  1. Low Calorie Content & Almost Zero Fat
  2. Helps Weight Loss
  3. Heart Healthy
  4. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  5. Complete Protein (Romaine Lettuce is 20% protein)
  6. Helps with Insomnia
  7. Lettuce is Alkaline Forming
  8. Low Glycemic Index
  9. Whole Life Food
  10. Lettuce Tastes Great
You should ALWAYS choose red or dark colored greens over whites. Red & Green Leaf Lettuces hold more nutritional value and taste than crisphead lettuce (aka Iceberg Lettuce).

The Battle of the Lettuce


Romaine lettuce is not only better tasting than iceberg lettuce, but also:
  • Contains LESS sugar and sodium
  • Contains TWICE the Protein (about 20% of romaine lettuce’s contents come from protein)
  • Contains TWICE the calcium
  • Has THREE TIMES the amount of Vitamin K
  • Has FOUR TIMES the amount of Iron
  • Holds EIGHT TIMES the amount of Vitamin C
  • Holds SEVENTEEN TIMES the amount of Vitamin A
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