Supporting a Strong Immune System with Food

We’ve heard it, and it’s engrained in us.

Food is medicine.

But really, let’s dive deep down into this idea. How did they deal with disease thousands of years ago, before conventional medicine and antibiotics? The answer was in nature. Ancient civilizations became masters of using plants and herbs as their remedies. And the pharmaceuticals we have now are often derived from those medicinal plants – like garlic, onions, turmeric, thyme, black seed and so many more. The use of spices and herbs with antimicrobial activity was necessary to ward off the threat of food-borne pathogens and life-threatening illnesses.

Being omnivores, we have a lot of foods to choose from, and convenience isn’t always in our favor. While it’s much easier to roll up to a drive thru or lean on others to make food for us, we tend to lose our connection with our own nourishment. There’s never been a time where owning our health is more important. With the unprecedented...

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