What Does the Color of Your Food Mean?

They say we eat with our eyes, not just our stomachs, and this includes the colors of our food. From shiny red apples to dark green kale, you can tell how fresh and full of flavor food is by the color. As you prepare your kitchen for clean eating, it helps to have an idea of what the colors of your food are telling you.

Here are some tidbits about food colors, how they impact your meal, and why you should care about what’s on your plate.

Plant Extract Color

Plant extracts like olive oil and CBD oil change based on processing, freshness, and other factors. For the greatest benefits of CBD oil and plant oils, the darker the extract, the greater the concentration of plant matter it contains. This means clear to pale yellow CBD oil isn’t as effective as deep green or brown CBD oil.

CBD oil is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and contains vitamins, including vitamin B and D.

Orange Beta-Carotene

Beta-carotene is the pigment that makes carrots,...

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